• International College

As an innovation and breakthrough in educational reform, The Junior College has created ideal conditions for the all-round development of freshmen by strengthening their academic and moral education and by instilling in them good study and living habits. 

There are eight teaching and resource departments at the Junior College: the College English Language Department, the Computing Department, the Comprehensive Department, the Social Science Department, the Recreation and Sports Department, the Experimental Center, the Research Institute of Physics and the Library.

The Junior College has always stressed the importance of good teaching. Following the modern educational ideologies of teacher-oriented yet student-centered teaching, we adhere to the principles of teaching students as individuals, according to their aptitude. We aim to apply effective teaching methods that inspire students' interest and enthusiasm.

One of our most distinct characteristics at the Junior College is the management of our students. We adopt a paramilitary approach with freshmen to help lay a solid foundation, especially in English and Computer skills, for their future development. We also lay emphasis on their behavior and morals to promote their healthy development as individuals. At the same time, we provide a variety of services to our students and thus they enjoy a good life style conducive to both studying and recreation. Counselors are always available to provide guidance and communication among students.