The University of Nottingham, Ningbo China
University of Dundee


Eighteen Business Majors Went to BFSU for One-Term Study Visit

Recently, eighteen BusinessSchool students went to South China Institute of Beijing Foreign Languages University for one-term study. This project intended to improve the cooperation and collaboration between our university and Beijing Foreign Languages University, broaden the views of our students, enrich their study experience, cultivate their cultural communication, language proficiency as well as offering them more high quality teaching resources.

      In this study project, the students will feel the different features of Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, and combine foreign language study and their own major on all English class. In addition, they will also apply theory into practice when enterprise visiting and practice are put into their curriculum. In short, this project will help the BusinessSchool enrich their college talent cultivating model and enhance the quality of their talent cultivation.