The University of Nottingham, Ningbo China
University of Dundee


Compatriots on Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits Deeply Tied to Wanli University:Jilong Branch of Kuomintang Touring Group Visited our University

        On September 13, a group of 29 people headed by Li Boyuan, the chief of the Jilong Branch Kuomintang head quarters arrived at our campus to visit and become part of the exchange programme. As soon as the visiting group got off, they received a warm welcome from the school authorities. Students placed welcome banners and messages around the facades and purlieu of the University, adding to a friendly and convivial ambience.

         In the meeting room 202 of the administrative building, Chairman Xu Yafen gave a detailed introduction to the development, spirit and educational ideas that went into the founding of Ningbo Nottingham University. It gained much applause and appreciation from the visiting group and, after hearing the introduction, Mr. Li Boyuan claimed the development of Wanli University attested the motto “a rock can reach a destination of a myriad mile away at one jump”. He affirmed that Wanli University is not restrained by the traditional education system like other universities. It has a completely unique and innovative management model that separates administration from education. More importantly, Mr. Li emphatically praised the commendable quality of Wanli University’s cultivation of students’ basic qualities such as love and filial piety. He stated that love and filial piety were essential to a good education.
          Later, the group toured around the campus accompanied by Ms. Xu Yafen and Mr. Chen Juexiang. During the tour, two campus journalists interviewed the famous scholar in Taiwanese education, Mr. Guo Jinzhong, who expressed his deep and favourable impression of Wanli University; especially after hearing Ms. Dong’s impressive introduction, which conveyed the idea that Wanli University came into being by a love of education and a belief in a new and better educational model. Mr. Guo went on to say that such educational ideas could also be of great benefit to the educational institutions in Taiwan.

          As for the future of Wanli University, Mr. Guo believes it will achieve a lot more progress. When asked whether it was possible for Wanli University to have an opportunity to cooperate with some universities in Taiwan, and for the Taiwan students to study in Wanli University, Mr. Guo said, “Since Wanli University has successfully cooperated with the world famous Nottingham University and founded the Ningbo Nottingham University, Taiwan universities surely would be willing to follow suit, and lots of Taiwanese students are ever-eager to study and develop their education here. It’s only a matter of time.” Mr. Guo also expressed his best wishes for the cooperation between Wanli University and Nottingham University. He also affirmed his belief that more cooperation between Wanli University and other world famous institutions seem almost likely, and that the University appears to have a brilliant future.
         During the visit, Taiwanese compatriots were enthusiastically welcomed and deeply touched by the educational ideas, spiritual and humanistic qualities of Wanli University, which rendered a perfect end to their touring visit.