The University of Nottingham, Ningbo China
University of Dundee


ZWU Actively Promotes Mental Health Education

      Upon invitation from the Students Affairs Center, Mr Zhao Guoqiu, the chair of the Mental Health Society of Zhejiang and expert member of the Psychological Counsellorship Appraisal Committee of the State Ministry of Labour and Social Security, delivered a speech entitled “ Student’s Psychological Health Problems and Solutions”. Speaking to a full house, Prof. Zhao described the current mental health situation of university students, stating that they represent a group at particular risk of suffering from mental health problems. Female students have a slightly higher rate of mental problems than their male counterparts, with over-sensitiveness, depression and anxiety being the chief causes of concern. After offering a useful insight into the awareness and practical application of mental health care, Mr Zhao suggested that students resort to psychological science for help when confronted with difficulties, pressure or agony. He affirmed that psychological counselling is an efficient method in alleviating or eradicating mental problems, and that to keep mentally fit is an everyday job.
        The speech came as part of one of the many items in the mental health educational program, which is an initiative of the Students Affairs Centre of ZWU. Other significant measures include: 1) the improvement of the working environment in the Psychological Guidance Centre and the extension of its service hours; 2) the setting up of a network of intervention of mental crises centres between the University, the junior colleges and the classes; 3) inviting experts to come and talk about mental health once every season; 4) to conduct group psychological counselling for students; 5) and to offer mental health advice to students through the campus network.