Business School

Zhejiang Wanli University

Founded in June 2001, the School of Business offers nine undergraduate majors, including International Economics and Trade, Convention and Exhibition Economics and Management, Accounting, Finance, Financial Management, International Business, Financial Engineering, Asset Appraisal, and Entrepreneurship Management. The school also has a professional master’s degree program in International Business, and has been carrying out postgraduate education for more than 10 years. The major of International Economics and Trade is a National-Level First-Class Undergraduate Program, and a key major at both provincial and municipal levels. The major of Exhibition Economics and Management is a National-Level First-Class Undergraduate Program (first batch), a National-Level Specialty Major, a Provincial-Level Key & Specialty Major, and a Municipal-Level Key & Advantageous Major. The major of Accounting is a National-Level First-Class Undergraduate Program (first batch), a Provincial-Level Specialty Major, and a Municipal-Level Key & Specialty Major. The major of Finance is a National-Level First-Class Undergraduate Program, a key major at both provincial and municipal levels. The major of Financial Management is a Provincial-Level First-Class Undergraduate Program and Municipal-Level Key Major. Applied Economics is a Provincial-Level First-Class Discipline, a Provincial-Level Key Discipline and Municipal-Level Key Discipline (Class A). International Trade is a Provincial-Level Key Discipline. Technical Economics and Management and Enterprise Management are Municipal-Level Key Disciplines.

The School has 1 National-Level Model Teacher, 1 Provincial-Level Teaching Master, 2 Excellent Teachers of Zhejiang Province, 3 Provincial University Young and Middle-aged Discipline Leaders, 1 Provincial University Teaching New Talent, 3 Provincial “151 Project” Talents, 1 “Yongjiang Scholar” Distinguished Professor, 3 Chair Professors, 1 Ningbo Outstanding Contribution Expert, 1 Ningbo Leading and Top-Notch Talent of the first tier, two of the second tier, and nine of the third tier.

The School has a number of research institutions, such as the Ningbo Private Economics Research Center (established by the Ningbo Municipal Education Bureau, in cooperation with the Institute of Private Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), the Research Center for Creative Design Industry and Urban Development (established by the Ningbo Municipal Education Bureau, in cooperation with the Institute of Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Ningbo Merchants Research Base (established by the Ningbo Academy of Social Sciences), Provincial Key Research Base for Soft Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Local Private Multinational Enterprises (established by the Provincial Department of Science and Technology), Exhibition Economics Research Institute (in cooperation with the Ningbo Convention and Exhibition Office), the Ningbo Audit Research Institute (in cooperation with the Ningbo Municipal Audit Bureau), the Ningbo District Institutional Innovation Practice Base (in cooperation with the Municipal Free Trade Office). The School also has various talent training bases and teams, such as the Ningbo Financial and Insurance Applied Talent Training Base, the Zhejiang Private Enterprise Manager Training Base, the Provincial-Level Port Economics Innovation Team and the National-Level Marine Economics Innovation Team, all of which have become the platforms and driving force for the local economic development.

The School has an Experimental Center for Economics and Management, which is a provincial experimental teaching demonstration center with various laboratories of four levels: basic, professional, comprehensive and practical, and two of these laboratories are supported by the central government: the Economic and Management Database, and the Internet Finance Economic and Trade Comprehensive Training Platform; and four laboratories are supported by the provincial government: the Economic and Management Inter-Disciplinary On-Campus Comprehensive Laboratory, the Comprehensive Financial Market Laboratory, the Dynamic Simulation Laboratory for Management Accounting in Big Data Environment, and the Comprehensive Training Platform for Intelligent Asset Appraisal.

Graduates of the School are welcomed by employers, and the employment rate in the past five years has consistently been above 95%. The School cooperates with colleges and universities of the U.K., the U.S.A., Canada, South Korea, and other countries, with over 300 graduates pursuing further studies at overseas universities, and more than 150 students admitted to domestic master’s degree programs. More than 800 graduates have started their own business, with an entrepreneurship rate of more than 15%, and there have emerged a number of entrepreneurial models. From 2017 to 2020, seven students of the School have won the title of “Top 100 Entrepreneurial Heroes of Chinese University Students”, making the School the only one in Zhejiang Province that has ranked on the list for four consecutive years. Our entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship models have made headlines on Ningbo Daily, China Education News, and other media, receiving considerable attention from the society.