Zhejiang Wanli University

Carbon Neutrality Research Institute

  • 2023-12-12

Carbon Neutrality Research Institute, an open research-oriented platform for talent cultivation, academic research, and the industrialization of research findings, was established in May 2022. The institute is aimed at building a “domestically top-notch and internationally first-class” research platform, with its focus on researching energy storage materials and devices, CO2 conversion and utilization, hydrogen energy and fuel cells, artificial intelligence, etc. The institute has built 5 laboratories, including Advanced Energy Materials Laboratory, Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Laboratory, Energy Storage and Power Battery Laboratory, Carbon Neutrality Laboratory, and Big Data and Intelligent Control System Laboratory. Dr. Chen Zhongwei, an academician of the Academy of Science of the Royal Society of Canada and of Canadian Academy of Engineering, serves as the honorary president of the institute.