Zhejiang Wanli University News Channel
On November 17, Lin Zhihua, president of ZWU, delivered a speech in English via video link to celebrate the 220th anniversary of Yaroslavl State University of Russia. The speech was broadcast live and reported by many local media outlets. L...
On March 1, 2025, the first spring recruitment fair of the year, “Towards Ningbo”, was held at ZWU’s Qianhu Campus. Nearly 100 companies from Ningbo participated, offering over 300 positions with a combined demand for more than 1,800 can...
On February 12, 2025, the Ningbo Municipal Science and Technology Bureau announced the list of A-Class Key Laboratories for the year. Among them, the program of “Ningbo Key Laboratory of High Specific Energy”, applied by the Yuyiao Innova...